Buy a Narrowboat and Live on It|

Buy a boat at your own risk. I love mine. That does not mean it is right for you. This guide is to help you make that decision.


living on a narrowboat Living on a narrowboat has gained popularity as a unique, cost-effective, and enchanting way of life. Contrary to stereotypical images of cramped, cold, and damp living, the reality is that boats can be transformed into cozy, efficient homes with the right knowledge and dedication. To understand what it truly means to inhabit these floating residences, read more about the reality of living on a narrowboat, which dispels myths and paints a clear picture of boat life.

How to Buy a Narrowboat from Facebook Marketplace

Buying a narrow boat is a significant decision, and Facebook Marketplace can be a great platform to find one that suits your needs and budget. This guide will help you navigate the process and provide some crucial considerations. Determining Your Needs Before you start your search, decide on the type of boat you want. Are you looking for a narrow boat or a wide beam boat? Each has its own advantages and suits different needs and preferences.

Is a 23ft Narrowboat Too Small for Comfortable Living?

Introduction In this article, we consider a 23ft narrowboat and discuss whether it’s too small for comfortable living. Understanding the Size of a 23ft Narrowboat A 23ft narrowboat is one of the smaller options for potential boat dwellers. The boat’s interior typically includes a compact sleeping area, a small but functional kitchen, potentially a seating area that may double as additional sleeping space, and a tiny bathroom. Usually the sleeping area doubles up as the seating area.

Is a 23ft Narrowboat Too Small for Comfortable Living?

Who is this for? These questions are for someone trying to buy a narrowboat to live on. The purpose of these questions is to give you a complete map of buying a boat. You may not neccesserily use every single one of them verbatem but by understanding what categories they cover and why they are asked, you will get a very good idea of what to look out for. If this guide saves you 000’s by helping you avoid a boat with a bunch of problems, or makes you 000’s by helping you grab a great quality one when you see it, then it has served it’s purpose.

Some Hard Truths About Living on a Narrowboat in London

A Dose of Realism - Some Hard Truths About Living on a Narrowboat in London The reason I am starting on a slightly negative topic rather than trying to sell you the idea of a narrowboat is because you have already sold yourself on a dream. The fact that you are reading this guide means the idea of living on a narrowboat is attractive to you. What I think may be missing is a dose of realism.

Carbon Monoxide Safety on Boats

Carbon monoxide (CO) is an invisible, odorless gas that can pose serious health risks—especially on boats. In this article, we’ll cover what carbon monoxide is, why it’s dangerous, sources of CO on a narrowboat, and how to protect yourself with CO alarms. What is Carbon Monoxide? Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas that is produced when fuels such as gas, oil, coal, and wood do not burn fully. Because it is colorless, tasteless, and odorless, it can be hard to detect without a specialized alarm.